This isn't new passing the toy isles in toys
R US you see that the only difference between these toys aren't just that some
are pink and some are blue. Girl toys are more domestic play ovens and baby
dolls Barbie dolls etc. Boy toys have war "action figures” toy guns,
building blocks. Some people make a big stink about this and I agree it really
sucks. But what we have to take into consideration is that these gender roles
were put in place is because it kept the human race alive. Back in the nomadic times,
women cooked and took care of the children. Men hunted for food, protected the
family, and built shelters. This was because men were physically constructed to
be stronger than women. Also the female and male brain both have their
strengths and weaknesses that made certain jobs easier or more difficult.
As time goes on the expectations of women become
more than to be a caretaker. All these expectations are seen in children's
toys. To look beautiful, keep a clean house, always have nice hair, wear nice
close etc.
These toys have also become a way of preparing children for jobs
they might peruse later in life. However, a boy might want to be a hairdresser
and a little girl might want to be a construction worker. Kids do not know any better;
right now their brains are like sponges so they see this and think “Wow that's
how it really goes." Stores stop color-coding your toys.
Keep sharing your writing!